Graphic design Bolton, The real cost of a poorly designed website

There was a time when people could trust any company with any website. These days, visitors are much more aware about the kind of website they wish to see. If you want to succeed, you have to find a company that can develop a professional website for you.
In simple words, we are no longer living in an era where websites are simply about a few statements, two pictures and plain black backgrounds; we are living in an era where websites have music, quality content and attractive backgrounds.
If you have a poorly designed website, it can reflect badly on your company:
1) ‘First impression is the last impression’ — you miss the chance of impressing those who could turn into leads for your business: If you have a poorly designed website, people don’t like reading what you have to offer to them. Your business might attract them, but your poorly designed website breaks all the impression created in your personal meetings.
2) A poorly designed website may promote something that you have no intention to: What if the quality of your content is bad and you are unknowingly and unintentionally promoting something that you never thought of? Sometimes, you don’t realize what the others understand from your website. Only professionals can make you realize what your poorly designed website is doing to your business.
