How To: Use Social Media to Promote Your Business

There are many ways you may be promoting your company to prospective clients - leaflets, posters, perhaps a bit of SEO. The trouble is, this is exactly what everybody else is doing and before long it can become difficult to see the wood for the trees. It is a long-held belief that the best form of advertising is through networking and referrals, and this is where Social Media can prove extremely useful.

When you attend an organized Networking event, you might meet half a dozen companies and some may even convert. That's all well and good, but you've taken time out of your day and in many cases won't end up getting much of a return for your trouble. With some carefully crafted posts on Facebook and Twitter, however, you can suddenly put yourself in front of a few thousand people in the few minutes it takes for the kettle to boil when you fancy a coffee break.

Let's say you lay block paving for instance. When you finish the job, you can take a quick photo and tweet it to the client. If they like the work you have done, they will probably retweet your photo, perhaps with a testimonial. Now everyone who follows your client can see what a good job you've done and that you are endorsed by somebody they trust. If one of those people needs some block paving done, they are now more likely to give you call. Maybe none of their followers need any paving done at the moment. That's ok, you've still gained exposure and made very little effort above what you would have been doing anyway.
